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    How To Catch A Mouse In Your Garage: Top 5 places to place traps

    It's of no surprise that mice like to hide out in the garage. Mainly because they have a large door to enter and because it's the closest room of a house that is attached to the outside world.

    Some mice exterminators may see this as a place not worthy of a trap because mice can get in so easily however, it's best to prevent mice from entering at all costs. In order to catch a mouse you must make sure you are proactive as well.

     mice control


    Since mice will take this opportunity to enter the home it's best to place traps (humane or deadly) around the garage. In order to catch a mouse in your garage you must place them:

    1. Near the door that leads to the inside of your home: If you have a step place the trap underneath or beside it

    2. Inside Tool Shelves: Place in the lower level shelf since this is where the mice will be first

    3. Around Storage boxes: If possible use plastic boxes with a tight lid. Place traps beside. If cardboard boxes are used, place traps inside.

    4. In side spare Tires: If you have winter/summer tires, place traps inside of them. Tires are common nesting areas for mice.

    5. Along the walls

    To catch a mouse in your garage make sure you are putting traps in all 5 places. Once done you can be assured that extermination of the mice will be successful.

    Image courtesy of duron123 /

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    mice control